Abstract Guidelines

⦁ Abstracts are to be submitted in English.
⦁ Abstracts can only be submitted via the online submission system on this page.
⦁ Abstracts should be formatted using the template provided.
⦁ Abstracts must not be more than 350 words [inclusive of title].
⦁ The title should be brief and directly reflect the abstract's content, highlighted in bold uppercase letters at the abstract's outset.
⦁ Presenting author’s name must be underlined.
⦁ Graphs, tables, and illustrations cannot be included in the abstract.
⦁ It is the author's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the abstract, including spelling, grammar, and scientific facts.
⦁ The work may take the form of clinical trials, surveys, retrospective studies, laboratory experiments or any other form of unpublished original work.
⦁ The bulk of the work submitted must be performed by the author himself/herself even though he/she may have done the work in conjunction with other doctors or agencies either locally or internationally.
⦁ The Abstract Submitter grants the Organisers a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the Content.
⦁ The final selection will be decided by the Scientific Committee.

Important Notes

⦁ All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Committee reserves the right to select the abstracts relevant to the sessions and decide on the final forms of presentation. The research work submitted must be conducted substantially by the submitter. The work must be original and must not be presented or published previously.
⦁ Scheduling details and guidelines for the final preparation of accepted presentations will be provided following the notification of acceptance.
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